Are you ready to catch them all on the go? Pokemon GO is a popular mobile game that allows players to see and collect Pokemon in real-world locations. If you’re a game fan and want to travel to new places to catch new Pokemon, this ultimate guide is for you.

Research your destination

Before you travel, follow this ultimate guide and research the location you’re planning to visit. Pokemon GO uses real-world locations so that different areas will have different types of Pokemon. For example, a city may have more urban-dwelling Pokemon, such as Pidgey and Rattata. In contrast, a rural area may have more grass and water-type Pokemon like Oddish and Poliwag.

Visit PokeStops and Gyms

PokeStops are real-world locations where you can collect items such as Poke Balls and Eggs. Gyms are where you can battle and train your Pokemon. You can find them in popular tourist spots, such as landmarks, statues, and monuments, so it’s a good idea to plan your trip around these locations.

Use Incense and Lures

Incense and Lures are in-game items that increase the chance of Pokemon spawning near you. Individual players can use incense, while on PokeStops, Lures attract Pokemon for 30 minutes. If you’re traveling to a new place and want to catch as many Pokemon as possible, it’s a good idea to use them.

Join a Pokemon GO Community

Joining a Pokemon GO community can be a perfect way to make new friends and share tips and strategies. Many communities organize meetups and events, so it’s a good idea to check online before you travel to see if there are any planned for the location you’re visiting.

Be mindful of your surroundings

While Pokemon GO is an exciting and fun game, it’s essential to be aware of your surroundings while playing. Be mindful of traffic and other hazards, and be respectful of other people and property when catching Pokemon.

In conclusion, Pokemon GO travel is a great way to catch new Pokemon and experience new places. You’ll have an unforgettable experience by researching your destination, visiting PokeStops and Gyms, using Incense and Lures, joining a Pokemon GO community, and being mindful of your surroundings. Happy catching!