Water Pokemon are some of the most popular and beloved creatures in the Pokemon universe, and for a good reason – they’re powerful, unique, and have a wide range of abilities. Suppose you’re a fan of these aquatic creatures and want to plan a Pokemon-themed vacation. Plenty of real-world locations worldwide are perfect for catching some of the best water Pokemon. Here are the top 5 water Pokemon hotspots around the world.

Tidal Pools in Sydney, Australia

Sydney is home to the most beautiful beaches in the world. These beaches are also home to some of the most sought-after water Pokemon. The tidal pools in Sydney are trendy for catching Pokemon like Vaporeon, Starmie, and Kingler. These pools offer a unique and picturesque environment for catching Pokemon, and you’ll be able to find some of the best water Pokemon in the area.

The Grand Canal in Venice, Italy

The Grand Canal in Venice is one of the most iconic waterways in the world. It’s also home to some of the most sought-after water Pokemon. This is a perfect spot for catching Pokemon like Blastoise, Gyarados, and Lapras. You can take a gondola ride through the canal and catch Pokemon while enjoying the beautiful scenery.

The Great Barrier Reef in Australia

The Great Barrier Reef is only one of the most beautiful and the most popular tourist destinations in the world. And it’s also a great place to catch water Pokemon. Pokemon like Seadra, Cloyster, and Omastar can be found in the reef. Plenty of diving and snorkeling tours will take you to the best spots for catching these Pokemon.

The Amazon Rainforest in Brazil

The Amazon Rainforest is definitely one of the most biodiverse places on earth. It is also home to some unique water Pokemon. Pokemon like Poliwag, Poliwhirl, and Poliwrath can be found in the rivers and brooks of the rainforest. Plenty of guided tours will take you to the best spots for catching these Pokemon.

The Maldives

The Maldives is an island located in the Indian Ocean, and it’s known for its clear blue waters and abundance of marine life. This is a perfect spot for catching Pokemon like Blastoise, Gyarados, and Lapras. The Maldives also offers an ideal place to catch Pokemon like Vaporeon, Starmie, and Kingler.

These are a couple of real-world locations worldwide that are perfect for catching water Pokemon. So whether you’re looking to catch some of the most sought-after Pokemon or enjoy the beautiful scenery, there’s a location out there that’s perfect for you. So pack your suitcase and start planning your Pokemon-themed vacation today!