Venice, a city of canals, bridges, and stunning architecture, is a tourist hotspot known for its beauty and history. But did you know it’s also a great place to play Pokemon Go? Here are the top 5 areas in Venice to explore through Pokemon Go.

Piazza San Marco

Piazza San Marco is a large square in the heart of Venice. It’s surrounded by historic buildings and is a popular destination for tourists. St. Mark’s Basilica, one of the most popular landmarks in Venice, is located on the eastern end of the square. The Doge’s Palace, another historic building, is located on the southern end. The square is also home to several cafes and shops. If you’re playing Pokemon Go, you’ll want to watch for Pidgey and Rattata lingering throughout the square. You’ll also want to head towards the nearby canals to find water-type Pokemon like Magikarp, Psyduck, and Slowpoke.

Rialto Bridge

This is the most iconic landmark in Venice. It spans the Grand Canal and connects the San Polo and San Marco districts. The bridge is surrounded by shops and restaurants, making it a popular tourist destination. If you’re playing Pokemon Go, you’ll want to keep an eye out for Zubat and Golbat, which are hiding around the bridge. You can also find water-type Pokemon like Poliwag and Tentacool in the canal below.

Giardini della Biennale

The Giardini della Biennale is a large park on Venice’s eastern edge. It’s home to several annual art exhibitions and is a popular destination. In addition, the park features several large gardens, as well as several historic buildings. If you’re playing Pokemon Go, you’ll also want to head toward the nearby canals to find water-type Pokemon like Squirtle and Staryu.


Dorsoduro is a neighborhood in the southern part of Venice. It’s known for its art galleries, cafes, and bars. The neighborhood also has several historic landmarks, including the Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute. If you’re playing Pokemon Go, you’ll want to keep an eye out for Meowth and Ekans, which are lingering throughout the neighborhood.

Lido di Venezia

Lido di Venezia is a barrier island just off Venice’s coast. It’s a popular destination for beachgoers and is home to several historic hotels and mansions. The island features several beaches, as well as several large parks. If you’re playing Pokemon Go, watch for Sandshrew and Diglett. You can also find water-type Pokemon like Magikarp and Goldeen near the beaches and canals.

So there you have it, the top 5 areas in Venice to explore through Pokemon Go. Whether you’re a seasoned Pokemon trainer or just looking for a nice way to explore the city, these locations will surely provide plenty of excitement and adventure. So grab your phone and start catching those Pokemon!