San Diego is a city full of excitement and adventure. Whether you are a Pokemon fan or just looking for fun, San Diego is a great place. Here are the top five landmarks in San Diego to explore in search of Pokemon.


Balboa Park

Balboa Park is a beautiful and historic park that is full of all kinds of Pokemon. You can find all sorts of Pokemon here, including Pikachu and Eevee. Balboa Park is also home to excellent museums, gardens, and other attractions. You can easily spend a whole day here exploring and catching Pokemon.

La Jolla Cove

La Jolla Cove is a beautiful beach in the heart of San Diego. It is a great place to relax and catch some Pokemon. You will most likely find the two Pokemon here: Magikarp and Squirtle. Magikarp is swimming in the water, while Squirtle enjoys the beach.

USS Midway Museum

The USS Midway Museum is a museum that is on a retired aircraft carrier. It is a great place to explore and catch Pokemon. The two Pokemon that you will find here are Voltorb and Magnemite. Voltorb hides near the engine room while Magnemite controls the control tower.

Old Town San Diego

Old Town San Diego is a historic neighborhood that is full of all kinds of Pokemon. You can find all sorts of Pokemon here, including Charmander and Bulbasaur. Old Town San Diego is also home to some great restaurants and shops. You can enjoy the whole day by exploring and catching Pokemon.

San Diego Zoo

This Zoo is one of the top zoos in the world, and it is also a great place to catch Pokemon. The two Pokemon you will most likely find here are Kangaskhan and Rhyhorn. Kangaskhan is in the Australian Outback exhibit, while Rhyhorn hides in the African exhibit.

In conclusion, these landmarks in San Diego are a great place to explore and catch Pokemon. Whether you are a game fan or just looking for fun, San Diego has something for everyone. Balboa Park, La Jolla Cove, the San Diego Zoo, Old Town San Diego, and the USS Midway Museum are all great places to start your Pokemon adventure. So, grab your Pokeballs and start exploring!