Ice-type Pokemon are some of the most elusive and powerful creatures in the Pokemon world. These Pokemon are known for their resistance to fire and grass moves, as well as their ability to freeze opponents with their icy attacks. For Pokemon trainers looking to catch an Ice-type Pokemon, there are some real-world locations that offer the perfect conditions for finding and capturing these creatures. These are the top destinations to catch Ice Pokemon.


Known for its glaciers, snow-capped mountains, and icy landscapes, Iceland is the perfect place to find Ice-type Pokemon. The country’s rugged terrain and harsh climate make it ideal for finding Pokemon like Articuno, Glaceon, and Vanillite.


With its long, cold winters and vast expanses of frozen tundra, Canada is another great place to catch Ice-type Pokemon. Trainers can explore the country’s many national parks. Including Jasper and Banff, in search of Pokemon like Beartic, Jynx, and Sneasel.


Another cold country with plenty of ice and snow. Norway is home to many Ice-type Pokemon. Trainers can explore the country’s fjords and mountains in search of Pokemon like Cloyster, Dewgong, and Lapras.


Russia’s harsh climate and vast expanses of frozen tundra make it an ideal location for catching Ice-type Pokemon. Trainers can explore the country’s many national parks. Such as the Sayan Mountains and the Altai Mountains, in search of Pokemon like Cryogonal, Froslass, and Glalie.


As the coldest continent on Earth, Antarctica is an ideal location for finding Ice-type Pokemon. However, due to it being a remote and inhospitable location. It’s not the most accessible place to go. Still, it’s a unique destination for any Pokemon trainer looking for a challenge.


Known for its snow-capped mountains and winter sports. Switzerland is another great place to catch Ice-type Pokemon. Trainers can explore the country’s many ski resorts. Such as Zermatt and St. Moritz, in search of Pokemon like Piloswine, Snorunt, and Spheal.


Japan’s snowy Hokkaido region is home to many Ice-type Pokemon. Trainers can explore the region’s mountains and hot springs in search of Pokemon like Alolan Sandslash, Alolan Ninetales, and Vanilluxe.

United States, Alaska

With its long, cold winters and vast expanses of frozen tundra, Alaska offers plenty of options for catching Ice-type Pokemon. Trainers can explore the state’s many national parks, such as Denali and Wrangell-St. Elias is in search of Pokemon like Cubchoo, Sneasel, and Jynx.

These are just a few real-world destinations to catch Ice Pokemon. Whether you’re a seasoned Pokemon trainer or just starting out, these destinations are sure to provide an exciting and challenging adventure. So pack your bags, grab your Pokeballs, and get ready to catch them all!