Happy New Year, Pokemon fans! As we start a brand new year, it’s the best time to set goals and resolutions for ourselves. So if you’re looking for some inspiration, here are 7 New Year’s resolutions for Pokemon fans.

Catch them all

Make it your goal to complete your Pokedex this year. Whether playing the latest Pokemon game or collecting trading cards, challenge yourself to add as many Pokemon to your collection as possible.

Train up your team

If you’re a competitive Pokemon player, make it your goal to improve your team and your battle skills. This could involve learning new strategies, practicing against different opponents, or simply spending more time playing the games.

Get social

Pokemon is a great way to connect with others, so make it your goal to find new friends who share your love of the franchise. This could involve joining a local Pokemon community, attending events, or chatting online with fellow fans.

Go on a Pokemon adventure

Whether traveling to a new city or exploring your backyard, make it your goal to hunt for Pokemon and discover recent locations in your area.

Learn more about the franchise

If you’re a big Pokemon fan, you already know a lot about the games and the creatures. But there’s always more to learn! Make it your goal to learn more about the history of Pokemon, the different regions and characters, or the various spin-off games and media.

Get fit with Pokemon Go

If you’re a fan of the popular mobile game Pokemon Go, make it your goal to get out and about more in the coming year. You will have a chance to catch more Pokemon, but you’ll also get some exercise and fresh air.

Share your love of Pokemon with others

Whether introducing your friends and family to the franchise or sharing your love of Pokemon on social media, make it your goal to spread your enthusiasm for the series in the coming year. 

These are just a few ideas to get you started, but the possibilities are endless. Whatever your goals are, these 7 New Year’s resolutions for Pokemon fans are sure to be fun!