With its active volcano and fiery red and orange landscapes, Cinnabar Island stands out in the Pokemon games and anime. However, if you’re looking for real-life destinations that remind you of this iconic location, here are 5 volcanic places to consider.


Mount Etna, Italy

Mount Etna is located in Sicily, one of today’s most active volcanoes. It is one of the tallest active volcanoes in Europe and the tallest peak in Italy south of the Alps. With its smoldering lava flows and ash-covered slopes, it’s easy to see why it reminds people of Cinnabar Island.


Mount St. Helens, United States

A stratovolcano named Mount St. Helens has erupted many times in recent history. Its terrain and scenery are other sites that will remind any Pokemon fan of Cinnabar Island.


Kilauea, United States

Located in Hawaii, Kilauea is an active shield volcano that has erupted many times since 1983. Its fiery red lava flows look a lot like Cinnabar Volcano Island.

Mount Fuji, Japan

Japan’s tallest mountain and stratovolcano is Mount Fuji. Its distinctive form and snow-capped summit make Cinnabar Island come to mind whether we want to or not.


Mount Vesuvius, Italy

Mount Vesuvius is positioned in the Gulf of Naples. This is a stratovolcano best known for its eruption in 79 AD, which destroyed the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.


Whether you’re looking to hike, photograph, or admire these beautiful and awe-inspiring volcanic places, they’re sure to remind you of the iconic Cinnabar Island from the Pokemon games and anime.