Are you a Pokemon fan? These are 10 thing Pokemon fans can do in new year to became fit like Machoke.

Set specific and achievable goals

Instead of just saying, “I want to get fit,” set clear and achievable goals for yourself, such as “I wish to lose 10 pounds” or “I want to run a 5K.” This will help you stay motivated and track your progress.

Find a workout buddy

A workout partner can help keep you accountable and motivated. Look for a friend or family member who shares your fitness goals, or join a local Pokemon fan group and find a workout buddy there.

Mix up your workouts

Don’t get stuck in a rut! Mix up your workouts by trying new activities, such as dancing, swimming, or hiking. You’ll be more likely to stick with your fitness plan if you’re having fun.

Eat a balanced diet

No matter how much you exercise, it’s important to fuel your body with a healthy diet. Aim for various fruits, vegetables, proteins, and whole grains, and try to limit sugary and processed foods.

Stay hydrated

Drinking a lot of water is important to have good health and energy levels. Make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily, and more if you’re exercising heavily.

Get enough sleep

Adequate sleep is crucial for physical and mental well-being. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep every night to help your body relax and repair itself.

Find a physical activity you enjoy

Don’t force yourself to do it if you hate running! Instead, find a physical activity you enjoy, such as dancing or cycling, and make that your primary form of exercise. You’ll like it more if you’re having fun.

Take your warm-up and cool-down

Properly warming up and cooling down before and after your workouts is essential for preventing injuries and promoting muscle recovery. Take a few minutes to stretch and loosen up before you start exercising. Do some light stretching afterwards to help your muscles relax.

Get outside

Fresh air and natural light can do wonders for your physical and mental well-being. Resolve to get outside and get active as often as you can.

Be consistent

Getting fit isn’t a one-time thing – it’s a lifestyle change. Make a resolution to be consistent with your workouts and healthy eating habits, and with these 10 things Pokemon fans can do in the new year to became fit like a Machoke!